Monday, May 16, 2011

Parenting Tip - Extras, extras!

One of my favorite things about being a Baby Planner & Consultant is that I get to share all of my experiences, knowledge, tricks and tips with parents. 

So, today I'd like to share one of my all-time favorite tips with you.  It is something that took me quite a few months of lugging around a way-overpacked-can't-zip-it-full diaper bag. 

And that was when I only had one baby! 

So, this favorite tip of mine is:

To have a bag of "extras" packed in your car. 

You'll have your regular diaper bag for regular day-to-day outings and you'll keep your usual stash of stuff in there.  So, why would you need this bag of extras? 

Hypothetically (of course) let's say you (or your husband, partner, or whoever) took that last diaper out of the bag and did not replace it.   

It's one of the biggest fears I think new parents have - not having what they need when they need it.  Well, it was one of my biggest fears.  I mean, sure, you can stop at any local store to pick up diapers, wipes, a pacifier or whatever you are out of. 

But face it - it's painful to pay top dollar for convenience when you have more at home! 

However, if it's in your car in that *magic* stash of the "extras" bag you have at all times - no more panics or wardrobe catastrophes - or pooptastrophes as I like to call them.  (Yes, those blowouts that no stain remover can save!)

So, here is what is in my "extras" bag in my car right now:

  1. Four or five extras of the current size diaper/pull ups/ underwear my children are wearing.  KEY HERE IS CURRENT SIZE!  Every time you go up in the size of diaper, change out your "extras" stash! 
  2. An extra bag or package of wipes.
  3. Two spare changes of clothes for each child - again change as your child grows AND by the season!  Don't forget socks, too!
  4. Extra snacks (packaged i.e. granola bars), juice box and bottled water.
  5. Tissues and napkins.
  6. Sunblock.
  7. First aid items - band aids, antibiotic cream, alcohol wipes for boo-boos on the go.
  8. Hand sanitizer for me and the kids - a kid-friendly kind and Purell for me - alcohol in kid sanitizer is a no-no!
  9. Crayons, coloring books and a few random toys.
  10. An extra hat and sweat shirt for each child.  Now that it's Spring here, it can be unexpectedly chilly or we could make an quick stop at the park - and either way, I'm prepared if I don't catch the weather forecast.
  11. An extra outfit for myself. 
  12. "Bribe" items - a few lollipops and two containers of mini M&Ms.  These are kept on-hand for my toddlers when I'm out and need to get something accomplished and they're just not in the mood to cooperate. 
Now that my kids are older, my "extras" bag is smaller.  That wasn't always the case.

Here are the items I used to keep in the bag when my kids were babies:
  1. Extra pacifiers.
  2. Pacifier wipes for cleaning if they fell or were dropped and was not near hot water.
  3. More of a selection of toys - rattles, musical toys, soft books, etc.
  4. More snacks and extra baby food based on current stage they were on - i.e. puffs, yogurt melts, a few extra spoons and containers of pureed baby food.
  5. Extra diaper cream.
  6. Extra burp cloths.
  7. Extra bibs.
  8. A light swaddle blanket - can be used for a burp cloth, extra changing pad if you forgot yours, a nursing cover, etc.
  9. A heavier blanket.
  10. More "extra" clothes/outfits - again changed seasonally and as their clothing sizes changed.
So, there you have it.  Genius?  I'd like to think so - but no, it's just common sense.  I see parents all the time with these gigantic, overflowing diaper bags they are struggling to stuff underneath the stroller in that tiny basket. Or worse, trying to carry a child (or two) with this monstrosity of a bag. 

So, do you have any other tips to make going out-and-about with baby easier?  Would love to hear them! 

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